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Cookies | Yugen Living

  1. General

    This cookie policy is based on the "Directive on privacy and electronic communications" (Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector).

    The directive outlines regulations regarding information about and consents to cookies stored on your computer. When you visit this website, information about you, your computer, and your site behavior is collected. This cookie policy provides detailed information on how we manage the collected data, its purpose, accessibility, and whom to contact regarding the information.

    By visiting and using this website, you consent to this cookie policy and the collection of information about you.

  2. Cookies

    When you access this website, one or more cookies are automatically sent to your device.

    2.1 What is a cookie?

    A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser, recognized by the website upon your return. It allows us to send personalized information to your browser. While a cookie may contain text, numbers, or a date, it does not store personal information, act as a program, or contain viruses.

    2.2 How long do we retain cookies?

    Cookies sent from this website are stored for a maximum of 24 months from your latest visit. Each time you revisit the site, this period is extended. Therefore, the cookies involved will be stored for a maximum of 24 months from your last visit.

    2.3 How can I avoid cookies?

    • Rejecting cookies: You can reject cookies on your computer by adjusting your browser settings. The method varies by browser. However, be aware that rejecting cookies may limit certain functions, as some services require the website to remember your choices.

    • Deleting cookies: Previously accepted cookies can be easily deleted. On a PC with a recent Internet browser, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If this shortcut doesn't work or if you're using a MAC, find out your browser and follow the relevant link:

      Remember: If you use multiple Internet browsers, you must delete cookies in each of them.

    2.4 How are cookies utilized on our website?

    Cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website. Additionally, they help us understand your site visit, allowing us to optimize and tailor the website continuously to your needs and interests. Cookies remember items in your potential basket, language preferences, and currency choices. We use cookies for visitor identification, statistics, analysis, and re-marketing. Overall, cookies contribute to our service by presenting content as relevant as possible.